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Intermediate Lessons







Mable’s granddaughter Charlie is gorgeous. What else would expect from such a gene pool.   Congrats Grandma!  




THE OPENING RIFF – again grove it take it in and out

Drag a chord.  Drag all the chords.



THE BRIDGE   4555 take it down to E7 or E9

Then add the A7 and A9 chords --- and D7  Eb9/Eb and D7 Chords.





2. JAZZY STRUMS-  Use the FAT of the finger way more than normal.  Use UP strums way more than normal. And let’s not forget the incredible – versatile à


TRIPLET – Count softly in your head  One   Two  Three


3. Arpeggios: 3241  321 421 are the basic have the idea play some simple songs-“Mary had a little Lamb” – After a while LET YOUR FINGERS DO WHAT THEY WANT TO DO,  i.e. get out of your own way and I promise you will invent arpeggios of your own.   I gave you a fingerpicking exercises sheets at the beginning of our class.  Try one or two.




fingers.  That chord is D13  2022  [Tucks hint: this is a great substitute chord for the D7 chord] Soooooo bluesy.




HARMONY CHORDS:  Tucks Hint 45 e


Please go to You Tube – find a few songs you like.  Make sure they’re in the key of C - --- Songs in Am work many times too.

How cool is that.


Example:  You Tube search Tennessee Waltz in C


Then go to your harmony sheet and play along with your song using the C key harmony chords.  It’s so much fun!  And you sound sooooooooooooooo good. 




Dm take down – Left Hand Chord Vocabulary


For a simple Dm take down all you have to play is:


2210   then 2110  then 2010  and 4210


You can move this up one octave by playing


7555  6555  5555  and 4555  -- 



---------------------  revisited




On your MORE song chart count down five lines and you’ll come to a line that reads  ‘More than you ever know, my arms long to hold you so.’ Everyone there?

The chords above that line constitute what’s called an Em take- down.  All minor chords have take-downs.


A moment here:


In tabs a chord reads from the top string to the bottom string. So if I write the following 0432 it means do not put any fingers on the top string.  Put a finger on the 3rd string (C)  fourth fret - put a finger on the 2nd string (E) string and put a finger on the 1st string 2nd fret.  YEAH TUCK, BUT WHICH FINGER GOES WHERE?

The lowest number is almost always your index finger.  And all you’re making is a Em chord.


E minor TAKE-DOWN – back to the fifth line of your More song chart.

Look at the chords above  --- Yes, I know the ones below are a bit different ---they are the ones I use because I prefer the sound.  Play the combination you like --- better yet combine the two.


E minor  Tucks version.  0432    0332   0202  0102


JAZZY VERSION OF THE E minor take down.


E minor   Tuck #2          9777    8777   7777  6777


This one is so cool and once you get it under your fingers move it down to the 5th fret    7555  6555  5555 4555 and you have a Dm take down… Yep, you can take this up and down the fret board.


In closing; all of the above is for NAUGHT if you fail to apply it to songs you already can play comfortably.  Think about where and how apply these new skills.  Sure it takes a few minutes.  But the payoff is incredible.  Apply on line for American Idol.  



Next Week - – The First Tunes for the Senior Fair.


2 holiday tunes Jingle Bells – Jingle Bell Rock-

Mele Kalikimaka


Our Day Will Come,


See you Wednesday,










Welcome back – Maryland and Joanie and congratulations to Grandma  Mable!  We all send you our love.


Well we’re at it again.


Please take your time going through the following.  I know it’s a lot to digest, but if you do it in bits and pieces --- and read through it a few times – the whole picture will unfold.






We started with the opening and closing riff in several ways.

Playing G6 – 0202   Edim – 0101 -  Am7 – 0000 or 2003

Edim again and back to G6 – Then we grooved the riff a bit.

Mixing up a few chords &  Accenting and dragging a chord or two.  





Working on the bridge second is good practice whenever you’re trying to learn a new song.


Bridge take down from the 5th fret – there are lots of ways to do this – find one you like.


We made this form - 4555 on the 5th  fret - a G9 chord then – one fret at a time we moved the entire form down to the 1st fret and alternated between an E7 and E9 chords.


We worked the take down for a bit, finally adding the A7 and A9 chords --- and D7  Eb9/Eb and D7 Chords.


Getting the riff and bridge somewhat  ‘under our fingers’ we tried some.




1. JAZZ PLUCK – Thumb on the top string (G) Index finger on the 3rd string ( C )  Middle finger on the 2nd string (E) and your pinky on the bottom string (A)   The trick here is to become a good plucker – One of “Tuckers Plucker” so to speak.


TUCK’S HINT 34B :When you pluck all four strings you’re making a PERFECT chord!  Whether you strum up or down - fast or slow a strum can only striking one note at a time.  


Practice plucking all four strings.  Make the plucks pure then try plucking one, then two[especially the Index and Ring fingers ) then three strings at a time.  Adding  thumb in and out of the groove.  Plucking is an art and well worth the effort.


2. JAZZY STRUMS-  Use the FAT of the finger way more than normal.  Use UP strums way more than normal. And let’s not forget the incredible – versatile à


TRIPLET – Count softly in your head  One   Two  Three. If you don’t count, you’re delaying your learning curve.  Ready:

On ONE Go Down with your index finger.  TWO follow down with your thumb,  and for the time being come back up on THREE with your thumb.  RELAX and within a short time  you’ll find you can do wonderful things with the triplet strum.



3. Arpeggios:  This is up to you! I try to combine plucks and arpeggios and strums to every tune I play.  You can too.   Get the following under your fingers. 3241 – also known as the inside outside arpeggio and the  321  - 421  - the thumb alternating between the 3rd and 4th strings.   Once you have the idea play some simple songs-“Mary had a little Lamb” – After a while LET YOUR FINGERS DO WHAT THEY WANT TO DO,  i.e. get out of your own way and I promise you will invent arpeggios of your own.




We went back over the intro and outro riff: plucking, strumming and adding arpeggios.



Now, to the easy part. The song itself.  You only have to learn one chord.  You’ve already got the other chords under your fingers.  That chord is D13  2022  [Tucks hint: this is a great substitute chord for the D7 chord] Soooooo bluesy.


We tried to put all the parts of MOONGLOW  together but we were really under a time constraint….  We worked on a smooth  chord transitions and keeping a groove.  We used various up strums, triplets, plucks and arpeggios to create combinations of rhythms.  Up-strums take you to levels --- use them again and again.  So as the song says: “I’m Leaving It Up To You, You Decide What-cha gonna Do. “




HARMONY CHORDS:  Tucks Hint 45 e


Please go to You Tube – find a few songs you like.  Make sure they’re in the key of C - --- Songs in Am work many times too.

How cool is that.


Example:  You Tube search Tennessee Waltz in C


Then go to your harmony sheet and play along with your song using the C key harmony chords.  It’s so much fun!  And you sound sooooooooooooooo good. 


Steve and Susan try this with the C songs in the a.m.   t



If you have a moment please take a look at the following for next week.  I’d like to revisit the 2 E minor take downs and add 2 D minor take downs.  They are sooooooooo sweet.





On your MORE song chart count down five lines and you’ll come to a line that reads  ‘More than you ever know, my arms long to hold you so.’ Everyone there?

The chords above that line constitute what’s called an Em take- down.  All minor chords have take-downs.


A moment here:


In tabs a chord reads from the top string to the bottom string. So if I write the following 0432 it means do not put any fingers on the top string.  Put a finger on the 3rd string (C)  fourth fret - put a finger on the 2nd string (E) string and put a finger on the 1st string 2nd fret.  YEAH TUCK, BUT WHICH FINGER GOES WHERE?

The lowest number is almost always your index finger.  And all you’re making is a Em chord.


E minor TAKE-DOWN – back to the fifth line of your More song chart.

Look at the chords above  --- Yes, I know the ones below are a bit different ---they are the ones I use because I prefer the sound.  Play the combination you like --- better yet combine the two.


E minor  Tucks version.  0432    0332   0202  0102


JAZZY VERSION OF THE E minor take down.


E minor   Tuck #2          9777    8777   7777  6777


This one is so cool and once you get it under your fingers move it down to the 5th fret    7555  6555  5555 4555 and you have a Dm take down… Yep, you can take this up and down the fret board.


In closing; all of the above is for NAUGHT if you fail to apply it to songs you already can play comfortably.  Think about where and how apply these new skills.  Sure it takes a few minutes.  But the payoff is incredible.  Apply on line for American Idol.  



I hope we’ll all be strumming together soon,


Mahalo and aloha,


T  415 – 461=-4628


Next Week


Minor chord take downs


This Land – strumming techniques.


We’ll open with 2 holiday tunes







Wonderful to see you all again and a special welcome to Dennis and Steve, and welcome back to Betty and Connie.


We started with a bang with Satin Doll – Going through the chords of the song and working on basics – Dm – G toggle (back and forth)  and Em7 - Am toggle.  (Tuckerism 12c – if you EVER play Satin Doll with anyone else – almost every other musican on the planet plays the song in Dm! How sweet it is.)


Then we tried the much simpler to remember JAZZ VERSION – only 6 chord forms.  Two of the forms made by simply barring the fifth fret making a Dm chord and seventy frets making an Em chord with your RIGHT HAND - RING FINGER. The more you use your Ring Finger the stronger it becomes and you’ll find you can add the barred Dm or Em – and a myriad of other tunes.


Satin Doll – Con’t  JAZZ VERSION


You learned a new G7 chord 4535 – this chord is very versatile. 

For any song in C  - it slides up and down. You can build it slowly

(add on finger at a time) or make the form all at once.  Slide the chord down one fret and you’re making a F#7. Tuck quiz’s move your new G7 chord up two frets and what do you get? __________?     Yes!!! Isn’t that incredible.?!



If you like Satin Doll the trick is to combine the two versions. All you have to do is spend a little time every day switching between the two.  With a little effort I guarantee you’ll be using these jazz tricks in many other song.   


Example: When you see a Dm or Em on a chart remember all you have to do is barre the 5th or 7th fret and your music rises to a new dimension.


We’ll be revisiting Satin Doll and Our Day  & Our Day will come during this session.


Now to the Blue Book  


We’ll be working our out of our Blue Book:

We’re going to work on

The Don’t Worry Medley – Chunk – Scratch – Thump and Pluck

                                     And a gentle reggae beat’

This Land is Your Land – Harmony Chords –

And if we get there – Coloring You are My Sunshine.


Everything we do above is applicable to every other song you play.  All you have to do is learn to apply it.     



For your calendar. 


Oct 24th 10:30 San Rafael Senior Fair.  Performance at 11:00

I’ll send the set soon. Attached is a song we’re definitely going to play – please copy and bring to class.


Third Year Santa Ferry Sail ---  Dec 16th  around 1:00 to S.F.

Play at the Ferry Building – then play back to Marin.  


See you Wednesday,





Burning Uke Jazz

Burning Uke Jazz Revisited


recap for “Moonglow”  & “More”


Every ukulele classes I teach, I give recaps.  Here’s yours for Burning Uke 2018.  Thanks for joining me and I hope we’ll strum  together soon.  




p.s. take your time going through the following.  I know it’s a lot to digest, but if you do in bits and pieces --- and read through it a few times – the whole picture will unfold.






We started with the opening and closing riff in several ways.

Playing G6 – 0202   Edim – 0101 -  Am7 – 0000 or 2003

Edim again and back to G6 – Then we grooved the riff a bit.

Mixing up a few chords &  Accenting and dragging a chord or two.  





Working on the bridge second is good practice whenever you’re trying to learn a new song.


Bridge take down from the 5th fret – there are lots of ways to do this – find one you like.


We made this form - 4555 on the 5th  fret - a G9 chord then – one fret at a time we moved the entire form down to the 1st fret and alternated between an E7 and E9 chords.


We worked the take down for a bit, finally adding the A7 and A9 chords --- and D7  Eb9/Eb and D7 Chords.


Getting the riff and bridge somewhat  ‘under our fingers’ we tried some.




1. JAZZ PLUCK – Thumb on the top string (G) Index finger on the 3rd string ( C )  Middle finger on the 2nd string (E) and your pinky on the bottom string (A)   The trick here is to become a good plucker – One of “Tuckers Plucker” so to speak.


TUCK’S HINT 34B :When you pluck all four strings you’re making a PERFECT chord!  Whether you strum up or down - fast or slow a strum can only striking one note at a time.  


Practice plucking all four strings.  Make the plucks pure then try plucking one, then two[especially the Index and Ring fingers ) then three strings at a time.  Adding  thumb in and out of the groove.  Plucking is an art and well worth the effort.


2. JAZZY STRUMS-  Use the FAT of the finger way more than normal.  Use UP strums way more than normal. And let’s not forget the incredible – versatile à


TRIPLET – Count softly in your head  One   Two  Three. If you don’t count, you’re delaying your learning curve.  Ready:

On ONE Go Down with your index finger.  TWO follow down with your thumb,  and for the time being come back up on THREE with your thumb.  RELAX and within a short time  you’ll find you can do wonderful things with the triplet strum.



3. Arpeggios:  This is up to you! I try to combine plucks and arpeggios and strums to every tune I play.  You can too.   Get the following under your fingers. 3241 – also known as the inside outside arpeggio and the  321  - 421  - the thumb alternating between the 3rd and 4th strings.   Once you have the idea play some simple songs-“Mary had a little Lamb” – After a while LET YOUR FINGERS DO WHAT THEY WANT TO DO,  i.e. get out of your own way and I promise you will invent arpeggios of your own.




We went back over the intro and outro riff: plucking, strumming and adding arpeggios.



Now, to the easy part. The song itself.  You only have to learn one chord.  You’ve already got the other chords under your fingers.  That chord is D13  2022  [Tucks hint: this is a great substitute chord for the D7 chord] Soooooo bluesy.


We tried to put all the parts of MOONGLOW  together but we were really under a time constraint….  We worked on a smooth  chord transitions and keeping a groove.  We used various up strums, triplets, plucks and arpeggios to create combinations of rhythms.  Up-strums take you to levels --- use them again and again.  So as the song says: “I’m Leaving It Up To You, You Decide What-cha gonna Do. “







The clock was ticking – but here we have some time so please try the following.


On your MORE song chart count down five lines and you’ll come to a line that reads  ‘More than you ever know, my arms long to hold you so.’ Everyone there?

The chords above that line constitute what’s called an Em take- down.  All minor chords have take-downs.


A moment here:


In tabs a chord reads from the top string to the bottom string. So if I write the following 0432 it means do not put any fingers on the top string.  Put a finger on the 3rd string (C)  fourth fret - put a finger on the 2nd string (E) string and put a finger on the 1st string 2nd fret.  YEAH TUCK, BUT WHICH FINGER GOES WHERE?

The lowest number is almost always your index finger.  And all you’re making is a Em chord.


E minor TAKE-DOWN – back to the fifth line of your More song chart.

Look at the chords above  --- Yes, I know the ones below are a bit different ---they are the ones I use because I prefer the sound.  Play the combination you like --- better yet combine the two.


E minor  Tucks version.  0432    0332   0202  0102


JAZZY VERSION OF THE E minor take down.


E minor   Tuck #2          9777    8777   7777  6777


This one is so cool and once you get it under your fingers move it down to the 5th fret    7555  6555  5555 4555 and you have a Dm take down… Yep, you can take this up and down the fret board.


In closing; all of the above is for NAUGHT if you don’t  apply it to songs you already can play comfortably.  Think about where and how apply these new skills.  Sure it takes a few minutes.  But the payoff is incredible.  See you on American Idol.  


I hope this recap helped. When the MOONGLOWS  please visit MORE of my website:   - Enjoy my novels mysteries, children’s corner, my none produced films, and 50 and counting and of course revisit new tips and tricks at TUT.


I hope we’ll all be strumming together soon,


Mahalo and aloha,


T  415 – 461=-4628

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