THE EDEN DILEMMA by Tucker Spolter
Chapter 16
Other than the gentle sound of water trickling into the infinite pools, the Council of Equals chamber was quiet. Sagra sat with his back against the wall. A technicolor mural of the volcanic Pulat Mountain Range behind him. On the table to his right, Ta Ta would occasionally click, peek his head out of the carrying case, blink his owl-like eyes, and duck back into the dark.
Sagra waited patiently, sipping metha tea and making notes in his print-script. He lost focus when
a door at the bottom of the dome was flung open and thudded against the wall. Nopo II strutted into the hall. Her upper vest-tunic cut low enough to solicit interest. Her arms moving militarily. Eyes flashing, on a face that rivaled Tyree and Sagra's oldest child Zeta's for beauty.
Trailing in her wake was Arki. Tall, pale, twisting the ends of a mustache he claimed was the widest on Iuama. Walking together, almost hand in hand were Biz and Vety. Biz whose chin was as long as Arkie's mustache was wide. And Vety. Weasel like, the ultimate sycophant. Always ready to please. Although he was Biz's current pairing partner and had been aboard the World Seeker, both men knew he was Sagra's do with as he wished. All three were original colonists. Originally, dewy-eyed, trusting optimists with a new world to bend as they deemed fit. But under Sagra's influence and manipulations, they came to see the importance of having strong leadership. Both men deferring to Sagra as their leader and encouraging those around them to follow suit. Nopo II was the exception.
Nopo II took a seat directly opposite Sagra, Arkie to her right, Biz and Vety to her left. Sagra barely acknowledged their arrival. He looked down at the pages of pressed Tineke paper and considered those 'allies' around him. Arkie, Biz, and Vety were bright, greedy, and malleable. Nopo II was not. She was intelligent, cunning, and had powerful relatives. Nopo II was not really Nopo II.
To be fair – by consensus – most colonists had decided to disencumber themselves from names that denoted status or background. After all, this was a new world with new beginnings. But Nopo II – then known as Patrica Haines – had taken the new custom to a different level by choosing Nopo the Second. As if there had been a Nopo the first. Or that she had descended from a long line of aristocracy predating her arrival.
Sagra secretly admitted to her intelligence, cunning, and beauty; even her choice of names had intensified his attraction. That his obsession was not mutual – infuriated Sagra.
“Where are your lovely children?” Nopo II opened with a smug smile. Sagra looked up from his papers and glared. “So sorry. Did I interrupt your musings?” Nopo II placed her hands on the table and
laced her fingers, . “Were you . . . What do you call it . . .Thinking? Planning something new? Nefarious? For the good citizens of Iuama?”
“Nopo, you continue to annoy me.”
“Oh, dear.” Nopo II brought her fingers to her lips and immediately yanked them away. “My. . . Name. . . Is Nopo II. You forgot the two, old friend.”
In unison, Biz and Vety slid their chairs away from Nopo II. Arkie twisted the ends of his mustache but did not move. Several moments of silence were broken by the grinding click click of Ta Ta's teeth as the sera poked his head out of the carry bag.
“Oh. Can I pet him?” Vety squealed, Without permission, Vety reached out. Instinctively, Ta Ta thrust forward clamping down on the tip of Vety's middle finger. It disappeared and so did Ta Ta with a chirp.
Vety screamed, clutched his wounded hand to his chest, and bolted up the aisle. Biz right on his heels.
“Better without the both of them,” Sagra smirked at Nopo II. “To answer your question. Hanar and Tyree are currently on a mission to — ”
“Find the shuttle and Krista our most untimely and unwelcome guest.”
“Ah, I'll include mind reading as one of your many attributes. Perhaps you —” Sagra turned to Arkie who was twisting one end of his mustache. “Or would you also like to read my thoughts?”
Arkie placed both hands palms down on the table and shook his head no.
“Fine.” Sagra turned his attention to the papers in front of him. “Whoever has the shuttle has the wherewith all to —"
“Control the societies of Iuama.”
“Nopo . . . II, again you interrupt me.”
“Ah, but Sagra Kalam, you do have a propensity to go on and on.” Nopo II's laugh was gentle but taunting.
Sagra's left hand slipped under the table. His nails dug through the underside until they bent backward painfully, and his anger subsided. “That's why I admire you Nopo II. Your keen perception and ability to determine where a conversation is going.”
“And just were is our . . . This conversation going, Sagra?”
“Actually,” Sagra lifted two pieces of pressed Tineke paper from his pile. Inspected them both and pushed one to Arkie and the other to Nopo II. “Talking is over. Krista and her shuttle have changed the dynamics of our world. Both of you have access to resources I do not have. I want to assemble a group of loyal individuals who will stand with us no matter what transpires with the shenzing shuttle.”
“If there still is a shuttle.” For the first time, Arkie's raspy baritone filled the chamber. Arkie made a chomping sound and used his tongue to make bulges in his cheeks. Nopo II and Sagra gave him a puzzled look. “Maybe the feris bugs have already found it.”
“That is not a very encouraging remark. See if you can encourage your minions to prepare for some changes in Lakal and on Iuama in general.” Sagra glanced down at the three remaining sheets of paper. Biz McCaw was printed neatly on the top of one and Vety Gooden on the other. He shoved them to Arkie. I want those two to find a shelter large enough to house the shuttle. Then have them find a crew and build an airtight – feris bug-proof container to envelop it. Do you understand?”
Arkie took the papers and nodded. Sagra raised his head slowly and looked carefully at Nopo II. “I made you what you are today. I would appreciate your cooperation and . . . That of your family.”
“Yes, . . . I know you would.” Nopo II rolled up the paper and rose. “If that is all. . .I have matters to attend to.”
Sagra squinted and made a dismissal motion with his hand.
Arkie and Nopo II left the chamber chatting amicably.
Sagra held his pet sera in the palm of one hand and rubbed the scales below his neck with the index finger of the other hand.
“How was your snack?”
Ta Ta 'chirped.'